
月洞遊憩區 Yuedong Recreation Area

一個天然的鐘乳石洞穴,洞內神祕幽暗,岩壁上到處可見倒掛在鐘乳石上面的蝙蝠群蹤跡,洞內有伏流、石筍、燕窩化石、魚頭化石等景觀, 若想入洞探秘參觀,必須搭乘由專人遊駛的小舟.

The cave’s carved shape is particularly uniquely, at the summit providing habitat for hundreds of thousands of bats, There are also hidden streams, numerous droplets, stalagmites, swallow’s nest fossils, fish head fossils and other assorted sights. If you want to enter the cave to explore, it is necessary to ride in the boats of specialist navigator.

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