
五峰旗瀑布 Wufongci Waterfall

五峰旗瀑布全長約 100公尺,共分為三層。上層瀑布約 5 0 公尺,自峽谷奔流而下,穿過山岩的水流再形成中層瀑布由山壁中穿出,約 30 公尺,氣勢磅礡,立於「觀瀑亭」以極佳之視野近賞急瀉之姿,亦可遠眺翠綠山谷,下層瀑布約 20 公尺,自然形成小水潭,潭水清澈順流而下,水質清澈,清涼無比。

There are three sections in this 100-meter long waterfall. The bottom section is about 20 meters long with several ponds formed along it. They provide the tourists great spots for water play. The middle one is about 30 meters long and formed by the water gushing out from the cliff wall. Waterfall Viewing Pavilion here is a perfect location to enjoy the spectacular scenery of its surrounding mountains and valleys. The top section is about 50 meters long and runs down from the steep and narrow gorges.

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